torstai 8. tammikuuta 2015


We in Finland are pretty much used to the cold and icy winter and it does´t really bother our day to day basis, so you can probably imagine a Finnish person laughing when they hear that schools are being canceled because of icy roads or too cold weather. Have to say that I at least smiled at the thought. Michigan is known to have pretty cold weather and I happened to have my first snow day already in November because of wind and icy roads. Today the school got canceled in the middle of the day in most of the West Michigan area, and we all got to go home early because there was suppose to be a snow storm in the evening. Now it´s actually starting to snow quite a lot... All though it still is pretty much a basic Finnish winter haha :D. Snow days are the best kind of days!

Random pictures from last weeks nice weather

Have a nice weekend y´all !

1 kommentti:

  1. Noi maisemat, noi kuvat! mun on pakko tulla kattomaan sua mil tahansa hinnal! <3
